smoking cessation

Blood Vessels
March 15, 2023

Understanding Smoking’s Effect on Your Blood Vessels

Among other side effects, smoking does cause blood vessels to constrict. This can lead to sometimes life-threatening events like a heart attack or stroke. Smoking is linked to a wide range of negative health effects, including heart disease. The chemicals in cigarette smoke irritate blood vessels, causing inflammation and swelling. Quitting smoking allows your heart…

Blood Vessels
COPD and Quit Smoking
January 16, 2023

COPD and Smoking: What’s the Connection?

Those who smoke are much more likely to develop symptoms of COPD, but secondhand smoke can also be the cause. Treatments are available; in some cases, your lung tissue can regenerate. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of diseases that impact the health of your lungs and your ability to breathe….

COPD and Quit Smoking
Stop Smoking
January 03, 2023

Study Supports Urging Smoking-Cessation Treatment to Patients In Cancer Care

National study shows cancer centers help patients stop smoking A nationwide team studied 44,000 smokers at 28 cancer centers. The researchers learned that if they could get those patients into evidence-based therapy — such as nicotine replacement, counseling, or both — they could help nearly one in five kick the habit and, in doing so,…

Stop Smoking
Cannabis and Vaping Increase in Teens
November 30, 2022

U.S. Teens Are Smoking and Drinking Less but Using Cannabis and Vaping More

A new report states that teens in the United States are smoking and drinking less as well as using fewer drugs. However, it also reports that teens are vaping more and using cannabis more often. Experts say social engagement and structured activities such as sports and music programs can be strong predictors of teen substance…

Cannabis and Vaping Increase in Teens
Smoking and Estrogen
November 01, 2022

Nicotine May Block Estrogen in Women’s Brains, Making It Harder to Quit Smoking

Studies have shown that women have a harder time quitting smoking than men do. New research indicates that nicotine blocks the production of estrogen in women’s brains, which could explain why it’s more difficult for them to quit. While more research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms, the findings suggest that nicotine may…

Smoking and Estrogen
Wellness Vapes
July 14, 2022

‘Wellness’ vapes are all the rage. But are they healthy or just hype?

A new trend is emerging in the vaping world, one that promises big health benefits. Known as “wellness vapes”, they contain vitamins or other supplements instead of nicotine and tout claims of boosted energy, increased immunity and a better night’s sleep. Wellness vapes or “nutritional supplement diffusers” – which allow users to inhale ingredients such…

Wellness Vapes
Advertising to Children ECigarettes
May 11, 2022

How Tobacco, E-Cigarette Companies Are Reaching Children with Advertisements

Tobacco ads on television have been banned since 1971. Advertisements on billboards paid brand product placement, cartoons, tobacco brand sponsorships of sporting events and concerts, and advertising and marketing practices targeting individuals under 18 have been illegal since 1998. Yet, kids keep seeing tobacco and e-cigarette ads anyway. In 2020, 79 percent of teenagers reported exposure to tobacco…

Advertising to Children ECigarettes
Smoking Cessation Heart Attack
April 12, 2022

Smoking Cessation Adds 5 Healthy Years to Life After Heart Attack

Quit smoking after a heart attack or bypass surgery, or go on 3 different medications? You may see the same longevity benefits if you just quit, scientists say. Smokers who give up cigarettes after a heart attack, bypass surgery, or procedures to unclog blocked arteries may add almost five healthy years to their lives, a…

Smoking Cessation Heart Attack