lung cancer

May 07, 2018

Large Study: No Link Between Vitamin D, Lung Cancer Risk

The “largest and most comprehensive observational study to date” provides no evidence of an association between serum vitamin D concentrations and risk for subsequent lung cancer and thus does not support the idea that vitamin D is protective. In a study by an international research group, pooled analysis of circulating vitamin D concentrations in prediagnostic…

December 30, 2016

Another Reason Not to Smoke While Pregnant

With New Year’s resolutions kicking into high gear in the month of January, why not help your patients truly stop smoking in this New Year. Especially with your pregnant patients, it is even more important to support a high quality smoking cessation program in our daily practices. Women who smoke during pregnancy may be more…

December 15, 2016

How Do E-Cigarettes Affect the Body?

Many people believe electronic cigarettes (also called e-cigarettes or vapes) are a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. But with a new report from the U.S. surgeon general calling e-cigarette use “a major public health concern,” this may not be the case. The FDA reports an alarming 900% rise in e-cigarette use among high school students…

November 14, 2016

Smoking more hazardous for HIV patients than the virus itself

Cigarette smokers who are HIV positive appear to have a higher chance of dying from smoking-related complications than from HIV, according to research published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Numerous health problems are associated with smoking. Smokers have a high chance of developing heart disease, cancer, serious lung diseases, and other infections, such as…

October 30, 2016

World’s second largest tobacco company says to quit smoking

You want a trip to Philip Morris International to feel like a visit to Marlboro Country. But the company’s Swiss research center, aka the Cube, just won’t play along. Perched above crystalline Lake Neuchatel, southwest of Zurich, the glass hexahedron holds secrets to a future when, Philip Morris says, the world will be blissfully smoke-free….

October 04, 2016

Be a Hero. Help Your Patients Quit Today.

Introducing the New Freedom From Smoking® Plus from the American Lung Association About 70 percent of smokers say they want to quit and 40 percent will make a quit attempt this year. In order to continually provide the most comprehensive and effective smoking cessation program in the country, the American Lung Association unveiled its newest…