American Lung Association Offers Five Tips to Quit Smoking in The New Year
One of the most popular resolutions at the beginning of each year is the desire to quit smoking, with more than 70% of smokers reporting they want to quit.
Smoking is a risk factor for severe illness from COVID-19, which makes 2021 an even more opportune time to begin the journey to quitting once and for all. With the help of the American Lung Association, more than a million people have achieved success with their goal to quit smoking.
The American Lung Association has the following five tips for those looking to quit smoking this year:
- Utilize a plan that is proven to be both safe and effective in helping you quit for good. Despite what Juul and other e-cigarette companies want you to believe, switching to vaping (e-cigarettes) is not quitting smoking. E-cigarettes are tobacco products, they contain nicotine, and FDA has not approved any e-cigarette as a quit smoking device.
- Learn from past experiences. Most smokers have tried to quit before and sometimes people get discouraged thinking about previous attempts. Instead, treat those experiences as steps on the road to future success. Think about what helped you during those tries and what you’ll do differently in your next quit attempt.
- You don’t have to quit alone. Enrolling in a tobacco counseling program, such as American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking®, can increase your chances of success by up to 60% when used in combination with medication.
- Talk to a doctor about quit smoking medications. Talking to a doctor can significantly increase your chances of quitting successfully. There are seven FDA-approved quit smoking medications that can help you quit. Just make sure to follow the directions and use them for the full duration they are prescribed.
- Every smoker can quit. Find the right combination of techniques for you and above all, keep trying. Slip-ups – having a puff or smoking one or two cigarettes – are common but don’t mean that a quitter has failed. The important thing is to keep trying to quit.
The American Lung Association is here for you every step of the way with tools, tips and support. The important thing is to keep trying to quit, until you quit for good. Freedom From Smoking® helps individuals create their own unique quit plan for vaping and smoking, as well as tips and techniques to stay successful in the long run. Freedom From Smoking can be accessed online, at a virtual group clinic, by phone at 1-800-LUNG-USA and through a self-guided workbook. Those looking to quit smoking are encouraged to use the method that works best for their learning style, schedule and unique quit smoking plan. Ranked as the most effective smoking cessation program in a study of 100 managed care organizations conducted at Fordham University Graduate School of Business, Freedom From Smoking has helped hundreds of thousands participants quit smoking.
“The COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity for people, when they’re ready, to find the proven quit smoking support they need. Quitting smoking will immediately improve your health and might also decrease your odds of severe illness from COVID-19. It’s the perfect way to set yourself up for a healthy new year and healthy years to come,” Harold Wimmer, President and CEO, American Lung Association.
MD Spiro is here to help your patients quit smoking once and for all in 2021. Please reach out to us at sales@mdspiro.com or call 800-588-3381 for more information on our smoking cessation products for your practice in 2021 and on!
American Lung Association Information
For more information about quitting smoking and how to access Freedom From Smoking, visit the American Lung Association website at Lung.org/ffs or call the free Lung HelpLine at 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872). For media interested in speaking with an expert, contact the American Lung Association at Media@Lung.org or 312-801-7629.