Take Action to Fight Against Lung Disease
January 25, 2015

Take Action to Fight Against Lung Disease

Join the American Lung Association in its effort to eliminate tobacco-caused death and disease! By taking action to prevent and reduce tobacco use in your state, you are standing with the American Lung Association to advance the fight against lung disease. As part of the American Lung Association Action Network, you can also take action to reduce other lung diseases and support our efforts to make indoor and outdoor air safe to breathe. Thank you for taking action!

State Alerts
Help the American Lung Association implement its road map to eliminate tobacco-caused death and disease in the U.S. Elected officials must take action to pass the tobacco control policies called for in State of Tobacco Control 2015 to reduce smoking rates to 10 percent by 2024 and protect everyone from secondhand smoke. Choose a specific state alert you would like to take action on at the American Lung Association Tobacco Control by clicking here.

In this New Year it is truly time for you to get serious with your practice and your patients to stomp out smoking. What better way to do so then to implement a solid Smoking Cessation program.  Hold your patient’s hands, encourage them, and test them to ensure they are taking their health seriously.  Join us in supporting the American Lung Association and our efforts to help others to stop smoking once and for all. 

Our Smoking Cessation products can help support you in this New Year!
