vitamin D

May 07, 2018

Large Study: No Link Between Vitamin D, Lung Cancer Risk

The “largest and most comprehensive observational study to date” provides no evidence of an association between serum vitamin D concentrations and risk for subsequent lung cancer and thus does not support the idea that vitamin D is protective. In a study by an international research group, pooled analysis of circulating vitamin D concentrations in prediagnostic…

February 27, 2017

New Evidence That Vitamin D Prevents Respiratory Infections

A large-scale meta-analysis using more than 10,000 participants concludes that vitamin D supplementation may help to prevent a major cause of global death – acute respiratory tract infections. Acute respiratory tract infections are responsible for 10 percent of ambulance and emergency room visits in the United States. Including anything from the common cold to pneumonia…

February 28, 2013

Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency associated with asthma

Vitamin D has effects on the innate and adaptive immune system. In asthmatic children low vitamin D levels are associated with poor asthma control, reduced lung function, increased medication intake, and exacerbations. Little is known about vitamin D in adult asthma patients or its association with asthma severity and control. For more about this, read…