smoking cessation

August 10, 2014

They Can’t Quit. But What’s the Point?

We have been talking a lot about smoking over the past few weeks and its effect on COPD, asthma, and general health long-term.  And today, we have more.  Nearly 10 percent of cancer patients still smoke.  Nearly nine years after diagnosis, bad habits die hard and some are saying “What’s the point?” Nine years after…

June 08, 2014

Getting Your Patients to Go Tobacco Free

Every year in the U.S. over 392,000 people die from tobacco-caused disease, making it the leading cause of preventable death. Another 50,000 people die from exposure to secondhand smoke. Tragically, each day thousands of kids still pick up a cigarette for the first time. The cycle of addiction, illness and death continues. What can be…

April 06, 2014

Smoking Ban Reduces pre-term births, childhood asthma

On Friday, March 28, 2014, researchers stated that bans on smoking in public and the workplace led to a 10 percent drop in premature births and in emergency asthma treatment for children.   The evidence, based on the records of more than two million children, comes from 11 published investigations into the impact of local…