md spiro

October 30, 2016

World’s second largest tobacco company says to quit smoking

You want a trip to Philip Morris International to feel like a visit to Marlboro Country. But the company’s Swiss research center, aka the Cube, just won’t play along. Perched above crystalline Lake Neuchatel, southwest of Zurich, the glass hexahedron holds secrets to a future when, Philip Morris says, the world will be blissfully smoke-free….

October 04, 2016

Be a Hero. Help Your Patients Quit Today.

Introducing the New Freedom From Smoking® Plus from the American Lung Association About 70 percent of smokers say they want to quit and 40 percent will make a quit attempt this year. In order to continually provide the most comprehensive and effective smoking cessation program in the country, the American Lung Association unveiled its newest…

November 05, 2015

How a Family Dog May Lower a Child’s Asthma Risk

Children who are raised in households with dogs or farm animals during their first year of life may have a lower risk of asthma a few years later, a new study suggests. In the study, the researchers looked at early exposure to dogs and farm animals and the rate of asthma among about 377,000 preschool-age…

October 27, 2015

Less Than One-Fifth of Doctors Do Required Test for COPD!!!

If post-bronchodilator spirometry is required for the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), why doesn’t every single primary care physician do it?  A University-based Primary Care Clinic (PCC) analysis revealed that only 19% of patients with COPD had undergone spirometry testing, which determines how well the lungs work by measuring oxygen flow. With COPD…

September 01, 2015

A Near Definitive Link Between Cigarette Smoke and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often display inhibited mitochondrial protein pathways, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.  Researchers from Brown University examined healthy patients’ and smoking patients’ lung samples in order to demonstrate that the expression of the pathways in immune responses is decreased in COPD patients. The…

May 19, 2015

Nudging Smokers

In the Issue of the New England Journal of Medicine an investigation of the role of financial incentives and nudges in promoting smoking cessation, with particular emphasis on the importance of loss aversion and pre-commitment is explored. In the past 40 years, we have seen a revolution in thinking about thinking.  The central idea is…

May 05, 2015

Market Forecast 2014-2024: Asthma and COPD Therapies

MD Spiro prides itself on not only offering incredible spirometry products for your practice, but also prides itself on providing articles and industry updates for our customers.  Below is a new study showing you trends, R&D progress, and predicted revenues in Asthma and COPD Therapies. So where’s the asthma and COPD therapies market heading? Visiongain’s…

April 07, 2015

Testing for Inhaled Insulin

Diabetics now have a new option thanks to the breakthrough new medication AFREZZA®, an inhaled insulin now available by prescription.  The labeling for AFREZZA®, mandates spirometry testing (specifically FEV1) to rule out chronic lung disease prior to initiating therapy, six months after initiation and every year thereafter1.  MD Spiro offers a number of spirometer options…