Safe Exercises for the Asthmatic Patient
February 08, 2014

Safe Exercises for the Asthmatic Patient

Safe Exercises for the Asthmatic Patient
One of the goals of asthma treatment is to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Getting your body in shape and keeping it that way can happen even if you are an asthmatic.  It is important that your patients are getting the right amount and type of exercise to help them to strengthen their hearts and lungs.  A few exercise that can be good to refer your patients to do are:
  • Swimming
  • Intermittent Team Sports
  • Weight Training
  • Martial Arts
  • Yoga
  • Biking
  • Walking
  • Hiking
“As an asthmatic, I find that the best exercises that help me stay healthy is yoga and power walking,” says Lyndsay Johnson, asthma patient. “It helps me to strengthen my heart, lungs, and doesn’t make me feel like I am overexerting myself which reduces my stress causing me to not be ‘worried’ about an attack coming on.”
Exercise helps build strength to the asthmatic, so living a sedentary life can worsen some asthmatics symptoms.  Work with your asthmatic patients on a healthy exercise plan to help control their asthma today and incorporate spirometry into your practice to diagnose, treat, and control.
For more information about how MD Spiro can help add spirometry into your practice, visit: