Push for a spirometer in every doctor’s office?
October 11, 2012

Push for a spirometer in every doctor’s office?

Professional societies have encouraged primary care providers to conduct spirometry testing for the detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In spite of this effort, the success rate is unacceptably low. Simple flow-sensing spirometers have technical flaws that can cause misreadings, and they are rarely checked for accuracy. When spirometry is performed by an experienced technologist, and when payment is made on the criterion of quality, the success rate for adults and school-aged children can be as high as 90%. But testing remains a challenge for younger children and the elderly. Regular feedback for the technologist about their testing results is essential. Even with an accurate spirometer, an able patient, and a skilled technologist, the ordering physician may wrongly interpret the data. Use of spirometry in primary care will continue to be problematic unless high quality testing is tied to reimbursement. Using FEV(1) or peak flow measurements to rule out airway abnormality in the majority of patients, followed by referral for more sophisticated studies in those remaining, may be the best approach. Respiratory therapists should engage in this effort.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Respiratory Science Center, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA