
Dairy and Asthma.
April 24, 2024

Can Dairy Trigger Asthma?

Dairy is thought to be linked to asthma. Drinking milk or eating dairy products doesn’t cause asthma. However, if you have a dairy allergy, it may trigger symptoms that are similar to asthma. Also, if you have asthma and a dairy allergy, dairy may worsen your asthma symptoms. About 45 percent of children with asthma also have dairy and…

Dairy and Asthma.
February 13, 2024

Is There a Link Between Migraine Headaches, Asthma, and Allergies?

Migraine is a very common neurological disease. It involves moderate to severe throbbing and pulsating headache pain. Migraine affects one billion people in the world. Recent studies show 40% of Americans with migraine are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with another condition. Many people with migraine are at risk for other chronic illnesses. People with asthma and allergies are more likely…

Asthma and Blood Pressure
July 27, 2023

What’s the Connection Between Asthma and High Blood Pressure?

Not only does the respiratory disorder increase your risk of hypertension, but drugs that treat one can worsen the other. Here’s how to stay safe.   If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma of any type, you’ll be advised to follow certain steps to help manage it—for example, knowing and avoiding your triggers, taking your medication as directed, and…

Asthma and Blood Pressure
Healthy Food for Lungs
July 10, 2023

20 of The Best Foods for Lung Health

Keeping your lungs healthy is essential to feeling your best. Yet, common factors, including exposure to cigarette smoke and environmental toxins, as well as eating an inflammatory diet, can take a toll on this pair of important organs. What’s more, common conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis, can significantly…

Healthy Food for Lungs
Pregnant with Asthma and Sleep Apnea
May 23, 2023

Pregnant Women With Asthma, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Have Increased Airways Resistance

Key takeaways: Pregnant women with asthma and obstructive sleep apnea had greater central airway resistance than those without asthma or OSA. These women are more susceptible to dyspnea and respiratory complications. Pregnant women who have both asthma and obstructive sleep apnea have increased central airways resistance, but not increased peripheral airways resistance, according to a…

Pregnant with Asthma and Sleep Apnea
8 Ways to Cleanse Your Lungs
April 13, 2023

8 Ways to Cleanse Your Lungs

What is a lung cleanse? Our lungs do a lot for us. Even though most of us don’t think of the lungs as something we can exercise, it’s possible to take steps to help them work better. The air we breathe can be contaminated with many kinds of pollutants. Everything from pollen to chemicals to secondhand smoke can be trapped in the…

8 Ways to Cleanse Your Lungs
Asthma and Osteoarthritis
March 28, 2023

Stanford-Led Research Finds: Asthma, Eczema Are Associated With Higher Risk of Osteoarthritis

A connection found between asthma, eczema, and osteoarthritis indicates that drugs to treat allergic conditions could be used in future studies aimed at slowing the progression of osteoarthritis. Stanford Medicine scientists and their colleagues have found that having asthma or eczema increases the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis — signaling that there may be an allergic…

Asthma and Osteoarthritis